Updated by: g-rad
This session ended on 30 Kythorn 1372 game-time and was played on 31 August 2002

The party uses various methods to try to gain the upper hand with the pirates. Wan uses is psionic powers to slip Aeron a dagger, and Aeron gets another dagger to Rurik, whose bonds he cuts. He sends a telepathic message to Cecil to heal everyone he can and wait for a signal, but Cecil shakes his head because he can't do it with his hands tied. Aeron also tries to gain the sympathy of one of the pirates, but his efforts are thwarted when Telven is waken up.

Nothing really comes of the escape plans, however, and the ship reaches Airspur. The sky over the city is dark and forboding. A moderate rain pours onto the deck as they approach. Eerily, there is no sign of life at the docks. Telven exits the ship and investigates. Everyone else heads to the cabin to get out of the rain. Telven heads toward the marketplace. Nobody is there, but many goods still lay out in the market stalls. (Telven grabs a few.) Some distance away -- around the mayor's manor, he guesses -- glowing lights bounce up and down, showing the movements of the patrols. So it's not completely deserted, Telven thinks.

Finding nothing else of interest, Telven heads back to the ship, which he is alarmed to discover is empty. Then he realizes everyone's inside. While he discusses his findings with his compainions, a loud thumping is heard outside. It appears to be about a half-dozen ogres boarding the ship. With this crisis on hand, the pirates have little choice but to return the party's equipment. At first the ogres attack through the cabin door, but they break down some of the walls to allow themselves a better attacking position, but the party and pirates take all of them out. After a short interrogation, one ogre reveals that the mayor is involved somehow, but otherwise the questioning is not helpful. All useful items are taken from the ogres, and their throats are slit and their bodies thrown overboard.

The pirates decide this sort of thing is out of their league and not worth the trouble of ransoming Selmer. They want to go home and protect their families. (Just because they're pirates doesn't mean they can't be sensitive too.) Telven, however, decides to stay with the party, figuring there must be something to get out of this.